Themes :: JWM Themes

Feel free to share your jwm themes in this thread. To use these, copy each one and save as the themename.thm and put it in /opt/jwmThemes.

Make sure your font is something already available to DSL users from the default or from MyDSL. To standardize this, include a name for the theme, a brief description, and any details (about font or whatever). If possible, include a link for a screenshot to give an idea of how it looks. Block it in code (unfortunately, tabs don't work here).

Example (and first):
a blue theme
uses artwiz smoothansi font
Code Sample
<!-- cobalt -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- end cobalt scheme -->

sort of shiny/metallic grey
uses artwiz smoothansi font
Code Sample
<!-- shades of grey -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- end shade of grey color scheme -->

lighter greys and blues
uses artwiz smoothansi
Code Sample
<!-- dsl4ice -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- end dsl4ice color scheme -->

it's golden
uses smoothansi from dsl-artwiz.tar.gz
see bottom two pics on this page:
Code Sample
<!-- lucky13bling -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- end lucky13bling scheme -->

EVILGLOW (different colored variations)
some of these are hard on the eyes, especially on solid dark backgrounds
uses smoothansi font from dsl-artwiz.tar.gz in MyDSL
Code Sample
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<!-- evil blue glow -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


Code Sample
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<!-- evil cyan glow -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


Code Sample
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<!-- evil green glow -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


Code Sample
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<!-- evil orange glow -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


Code Sample
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<!-- evil red glow -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


Code Sample
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<!-- evil yellow glow -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>

<Font antialias="false">smoothansi</Font>


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