DSL Embedded :: Help ! Apt get

Hi again
i used apt-get install at first but then used dpkg -i to install....apt get for some reason says fluidsynth doesn't exist in the repoisitories ( yet when you go to debain search it's there). Is this because I am pointing at a wrong place? I will need to re-read your earlier post again and try i tonight.

It would be good if alsa could just start up and detect things....I will have a go over the weekend and try to do it.

One thing that does perplex me is why there doesn't seem a more straightforward way of doing this ( like installing packages ) sometimes.....it has taken a lot of work to get this far.....but I am learning. Also I think there should be some kind of icon that pops up on the desktop when you plug in a usb stick.. ( and it would be good if you could open the contents of it with a file browser )....I do appreciate you have to keep the size down though...............

That is because that site (by default) uses Stable.

Since DSL is based on woody (which is now archived, as Juanito pointed out), you cannot use that site to search anymore.  And fluidsynth isn't in the archives.  So you can either change your apt repository to oldstable (or higher, but not recommended) but you might run into library conflicts...

tip: after `apt-get update` you can use `apt-cache search fluidsynth`

Hi again.
Thanks for your reply explaining that.
At the risk of driving you all insane....could you please tell me how I point the repository at the oldstable? Sorry I know it's irritating but we all have to start somewhere!

It needs to look like this:
Code Sample
# beaver /etc/apt/sources.list

#deb http://archive.debian.org/debian-archive/ woody main contrib non-free
deb http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian oldstable main contrib non-free
#deb http://mirror.linux.org.au/debian oldstable main contrib non-free
#deb http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/distributions/debian oldstable main contrib non-free

Thanks mate! Quick reply! :D

If you look at my other post (the usb) I got midi working over usb with alsa. Hoorah!

I'll try that suggestion now. Thanks again.

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