DSL Embedded :: Help ! Apt get

Sorry to be off topic here...I just find when I open firefox the whole screen is full and I can't move the window down to see the top title bar. Opera is doing this as well. I have to keep minimising firefox to get to terminal.....is this normal? It's driving me nuts!
I found out why to the above post. If you make sure the taskbar is up at the top of the screen ( right click on the bottom taskbar and place it 'above' I can now see the close window icons / minimise in Firefox.
OK hold your breath everyone! I've got fluidsynth installed! I can't quite believe it. Let me try to get a soundfont in now and playing. If only I didn't have a gig tonight!
It would be nice if there was a sort of hibernate mode in DSL...you could just press one button and everything gets backed up ( i know there is a backup tool )...I just want to be able to come back to the PC tomorrow with everything I've done today......all those extensions and changes....anyway we are making major progress people! :D

My mouse wheel seems to have stopped working in firefox.......mmmmm

Those browsers by default try to take up the most window space... I think some people have changed the defaults.  However, I do prefer the "taskbar" on top.  tip: use alt+rightclick to resize then alt+leftclick to drag if needed.

heh, some web pages causes my mousewheel to stop working... don't know why, but it seems to happen in windows or linux browsers.

original here.