DSL-N :: Need Media Server solution for DSL-N

I have been working on a headless server box:

1Gb Lan RealTek onboard.
4 SataII onboard
Small Footprint case with room for 4 drives (4x1TB or 4x750GB).

Booting DSL-N from 256MB USB stick and have been able to
1) Compile RealTek Gb Lan Driver with Knoppix 4.0.2
2) Use mdamd from, Knoppix 4.0.2 to create/manage Raid Array
3) Samba to share RAID Array.

It is all working spectacularly (after enabling DMA on the HDDs) with my WinXP boxes, NSLU2, and CompUSA Storage/Print Server.

The only thing I have left is to replace the TwonkyVision media server on the NSLU2 to serve up the UPnP to my media players (DSM-320 x 3).  I tried the Linux version of TwonkyVision 4.4 Media server and it pegs the CPU at 100%.  I have a feeling that the Linux binaries are expecting a later version of Linux to be running. They also have been recently purchased and are focussed on the embedded Linux applications so I don't expect I will get much help fixing the issue.

I looked at UShare (from the geeXBox project) but it appears that it's dependencies are all later than what I can find on the Knoppix 4.0.2 version.

Any suggestions?  I would hate to have to abandon DSL-N after getting this far and I really do not need a full blown distribution to run this stuff.

Would the firefly.uci extension in mydsl testing be any use to you? I didn't try it on dsl-n, but it serves (audio) media files fine from dsl-3.4.6
Firefly is for audio only.  I need a complete A/V solution.
Firefly is for audio only.  I need a complete A/V solution

- Ah, I thought it did video too.

I looked at UShare (from the geeXBox project) but it appears that it's dependencies are all later than what I can find on the Knoppix 4.0.2 version.

- You could compile the required apps/libs and ushare into a mydsl extension, many of the extensions are made in order to add later versions of libs, etc.

Later dependencies?

The following programs are required to build uShare:
GNU C Compiler (gcc), 2.95 or later.
The GNU C Compiler is part of the GNU Compiler Collection which can be downloaded from http://gcc.gnu.org/.
The following UPnP library is required to build and run uShare:
Linux SDK for UPnP Devices (libupnp), 1.4.2 or later.
The libupnp library is used to communicate using the UPnP protocol. libupnp can be downloaded from http://pupnp.sourceforge.net/.
The following DLNA library is required for proper DLNA support:
libdlna, 0.1.0 or later.

To me it lists only gcc, libupnp and libdlna. I believe only gcc of these is included in Knoppix, and you don't need libdlna at all if you don't have a PS3. So it's only compiling the newest libupnp :)

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