myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: xplanet:  Is that a whole PERL distro in there?

In an effort to reduce the amount of my ramdisk taken up, I deleted the PERL 5.8.4 and the defoma stuff from the dsl.

What did I break when I took it out?

font management
anything that uses perl

There are a few DSL scripts that use perl (not many but a few none the less).

list of DSL scripts (courtesy of mikshaw's blog)

If you are refering to the perl and defoma INSIDE the extension.
Those were the requirements for running that build of xplanet.

It may very well run fine without them, as DSL does not use defoma for a font manager.
DSL also contains within the base, a very stripped version of perl.

As long as you don't find issues when using the extension without them,
then the older versions in DSL may work as fine substitutes for the ones
called for in the build.

The libraries are the things I would suspect the executable really needs.

Let us know how you fare when using it without those files.


original here.