water cooler

99.99% high school seniors can't read Perl
God creates world, 7 days "unimpressive"

Interesting Article

recommend a menu
/app launcher/panel/...

My two-floppy distro
just for moving files

uclibc toolchains
buildroot rootfs tarballs

damn small wiki

My server is up
feel free to visit

Would it be time for DSL to shed its skin?
some ideas

A year with puppy article
Distrowatch article by puppy linux user

What the h@!! are you running? Are you a hacker?
better call the cops, he's running linux

Swappish question...
Hibernating one OS, and booting another.

The first bootcode
Just want to know

Xserver Reversal

Self Contained Applications

Why did you get DSL?

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