Adding Icons to the Desktop

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You can add icons to the desktop in two ways:

  • manually by editing .xtdesktop
  • 'graphically' by using Roberts' IconTool program

After you add/change icon info, you will need to restart the window manager to see your changes. Just go to the DSL Menu and select Window Manager >> Restart.

Adding Icons by Editing .xtdesktop

Desktop icons are stored in the .xtdesktop folder of your home directory (/home/dsl/.xtdesktop by default). Each icon is a pair of files: an image in PNG or GIF format and a text file ending in .lnk.

The .lnk files contain the information that activates the icon. Open one of those files in your favorite editor and you will see how to create/change icons. It is very self explanatory. The "X" and "Y" entries determine the desktop location of your icon (in pixels).

To access the icon files:

  1. Open EmelFM and click on the "H" in the upper left hand corner to show hidden files.
  2. In your /home/dsl directory, open the folder .xtdesktop. Inside you will see your icons (images & link files)

Thanks to Clivesay for this tutorial.

Adding Icons with IconTool

Menu links nolonger exists in DSL 4.4.10 - dentonlt 26 December 2008 06:48 (UTC)

IconTool is a simple tool written by Roberts (thanks to him for the clean tool). You can access it from:

  • In Fluxbox: DSL menu: Desktop: IconTool
  • In JWM Menu: DSL Setup Desktop: IconTool

The DSL IconTool has a single window. You can choose to add, hide or auto-arrange icons, and to activate them by single click or double click. You may also choose 'no icons' or specify X Y coordinates for icon placement. To finish the configuration, return to the main tab and "Ok".