
Forum: Multimedia
Topic: sndconfig
started by: TrigunBallZ

Posted by TrigunBallZ on May 07 2004,17:50
Sndconfig was giving "segmentation fault" error. Tried to add the info manually into modules.conf, but received "file is read only" error. I assume that's because I am running live from cd. Is there a way to make sound work from live cd, or do I have to do an hd install? Thanx in advance for any help.
Posted by ripcrd6 on May 27 2004,16:39
I tried from livecd too and it did seem to detect the chip on one laptop as sb compatible, but then I got some sort of error at the end and no sound.  I need to just sell off these old laptops I have.  Some working, some not.  I have too much old crap around here.  Sound on a laptop becomes easier once you get into the PII series because the sound works off the PCI bus instead of ISA.  ISA sound sucks in laptops and ISAPnP rarely works, never for me.  My newest laptop is a IBM 390E, PII-333, 128MB, 6GB drive.  THat baby works w/ DamnSmall, flonix, Mepis, Knoppix and Morphix.  I recently installed Knoppix 3.4 on it and it rocks.  Some things are a bit slow because Knoppix has all the KDE bells and whistles turned on by default.  THe main thing I need to fix is the apt/sources.list, because the german mirrors are slow as hell and I can't even get a "apt-get update" to complete.
Posted by ke4nt1 on May 27 2004,18:01
You can try a "modprobe sb" command to start..
No luck, then find out the chipset for the soundcard,
Search google for it, you can usually find the parameters
for the card there, or even in system folder of a windows install.

Or, try
cd to /lib/modules/2.4.22-xfs/kernel/drivers/sound/

list to see the modules in there.  If one seems to match
your soundcard, try an insmod and look for errors.

For ex: insmod ac97 ( do not type the .o extension )

Many times, the errors tell you what you need to load,
prior to loading the sound module..
(for example: uart found..... )

Most sound cards will run on either the io=0x220 or io=0x530
address, ... irq of 5 is common ... dma is usually 1 or 0, and
dma2 is commonly 0 or 1 .  mpuio=0x330 is right on, and the
mpuirq is frequently shared with the irq of 5..

So, try a few combos if google isn't helpful.. for ex..
"insmod sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0"
"insmod io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1"

You'll usually know right away if the driver and card mate.

If it requires another module loaded first, try that one...
"insmod uart401""


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