Noscript Ads

You are among the users of DSL which view the site without javascript turned on. That makes you part of a elite group.

Every day Damn Small Linux has over 5 thousand page views from browsers with javascript disabled. Much of this traffic is from Dillo and Links-Hacked users, in other words, highly sophisticated Linux users who prefer to view the web without all the fluff a javascript enabled browser provides. Such users are discriminating, but also know a good value when they see one.

You can reach this highly intelligent audience for just $3/day! For that minuscule amount we'll include your ad in the DSL forums, and the product home page. The ads will show up for humans who view the page with javascript disabled.

Ad space is bought in 30 day, 90 day, or one year chunks.

No adult or gambling sites, sorry. Also, we reserve the right to not link to anything offensive.
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30 days for $90
100 days for $300
one year for $1095