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Another JWM project
Hey guys I added Keybinding support and autostart support. Keep in mind, this is a quick and dirty implementation and may change in the future. Here's an example of how you add them to your config.
keybind h {
    key = "H"
    command = "up"

keybind refresh {
    mods = {"Control", "Alt"}
    key = "R"
    command = "restart"

keybind firefox {
    mods = {"Control", "Alt"}
    key = "W"
    command = "exec:firefox"
autostart cmst {
    sleep_time = 1
    fork_needed = true
    restart_kill = true
    program = "cmst"
    args = "-m"
How would you guys like the configuration to be located? My current thought is to have one jwms.conf in ~/.config/jwms and a default one in /etc/jwms. Or I can leave out the one in /etc entirely.

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