Networking :: /etc/network/interfaces file not read?

The original /etc/network/interfaces only mentioned the loopback interface. In spite of that eth0 was configured in dhcp mode, which works perfectly for my local network.
Now I want to configure eth1 and eth2 with a static IP. I modified /etc/network/interfaces for that, but it is never taken into account  at boot time. I can add a
Code Sample
sudo ifup eth1
(or eth2) in (which works in spite of an error message: ip: RTNETLINK answers: File exists) but I guess I am missing some DSL dedicated configuration file.
By the way, this is a frugal install and /etc/network/interfaces is in .filetool.lst

The boot-time system configuration is done by /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig. Local boot-time scripts are executed from Those should be adequate to get your other interfaces up. Where are you executing pump for the other two interfaces? Try (no sudo required).
pump -i eth1
pump -i eth2

I'm figuring that that file, like most of the other knoppix-based files, are ignored.

From the wiki:

Add your static ip commands to the file

Quote (lucky13 @ June 30 2008,11:18)
The boot-time system configuration is done by /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig. Local boot-time scripts are executed from Those should be adequate to get your other interfaces up. Where are you executing pump for the other two interfaces? Try (no sudo required).
pump -i eth1
pump -i eth2

Lucky, he wants static ip's, not dhcp ip's. (Pump = dhcp client)
Whoops, off to a really bad start today. Never mind...
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