Multimedia :: VLC in DSL?

Any chance someone has got a VLC package for DSL?


you can get an very old one with synaptic or apt-get install vlc
i think version 0.2.x

i also searching for a way to get an up to date version, but at this point i found nothing

I am  interested in getting VLC for DSL.

Where do I find the synaptic manager in DSL?

Ive been using ubuntu for 4 months, and Im still on my test phase for DSL.

So any little detail would be greatly appreciated.

you can find synaptic in the menu
this enables apt and download synaptic

but i dont know settings to get a new version of vlc. have you any idea where and what i must write in any settings?


Thank you, I should have read the home page in Dillo!!!
Im an Ubuntu user so Im sticking with debian, and i m familiar with apt-get, and when i tried that in the terminal i didnt know what to do.
Then I was reading your post and it got me going!!!
However the VLC is not good for anything at all..I got mplayer and a codecpack, but i still prefer VLC simply because i like to have the fewer apps as possible...

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