Multimedia :: Scanner Support

then making an xsane.uci that uses the sane.uci should be pretty simple

- and it would also be useful if it could be compiled for compatibility with gimp-1.2.uci. xscanimage from hplip can be called from inside gimp-1.2, but it would probably be better not to have to load a 20MB extension...

Give me a day or 2 to post, initially without gimp support.

I assume there's 'configure option for this?  I cant remember it was built a few months ago.

I think I had compiled Xsane with Gimp support built in once, but it added Gimp as a dependency for Xsane to run.  There is a tutorial on the Xsane site on how to run Xsane as a Gimp plugin which would not need Gimp support compiled in:

That I think would be better than requiring the Gimp as a dependency extension if you can just link them together through a simple symbolic link once the extension is loaded.  That is if I have read the page right.

I assume there's 'configure option for this?  I cant remember it was built a few months ago.

- yes, there is, but you also have to specify whether you want gtk1/gimp-1.x or gtk2/gimp-2.x

That I think would be better than requiring the Gimp as a dependency extension if you can just link them together through a simple symbolic link once the extension is loaded

- I used a symbolic link with an order version of xsane and gimp-1.2 which works fine. If the newer version of xsane inserts a dependency on gimp then I guess it is better not to go this way.

the file
is corrupted.

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