HD Install :: Grub start with Error 15

Thanks for Your Tips. I´m sorry but I´ve to ask again.- On CD I found the following:
But there is only a path "i386/" and a file directory.yast in it.

I've no idea about what's going on.... Could you boot using toram code and then mount the cd?
If the files still aren't there, maybe you got a corrupted iso...

Hello! Thanks for Your answer. I´m sorry but Start from Live-CD as option "to ram" don´t work. I thinks the reason is the graphic-resolution!? Starting from the Live-CD only works as 800x600 option.

Hello! I´ve tried something new. - Got new´st ISO-File and burned a new Boot-CD. Starting system with CD well. Making hda2+hda5 on Harddisc. hda5 is swap. After booting system again I tried to mount hda2 but I got the error-message "Error: mount: relocation error: mount: undefined symbol:blkid_known_fstype". Try to install.- Yes it starts from HD!! It seems that there are some new problems, but for now it´s OK!

original here.