HD Install :: HD install, grub error 17

I'm a great fan of DSL and have used v2.2 on my laptop (233mhz 32mb ram 4gb disk) before. Now I want to try v2.4 and have tried to install it, without luck.

I boot from cd and click apps / tools / hd install

- A window popups and asks for a partition to install; have tried hda and hda1

- No multi-user
- install bootloader: y
- install grub

When I choose grub, it gives an error 17 in the end, which means it couldn't mount the partition..?! When I reboot it gives the error: no system disk.

I tried also lilo which comes up with another error.
I prefer to use Grub as i did before.. Who can help me?

I've tried it with a complete empty disk (4 gb) and on a partition of 1 gb.

how did you format the hard drive? i had the same problem as you when I didn't use a linux tool to create the partition on the hard drive. Hope this helps
Try first formatting the empty hard disk so:

1 - Boot from DSL LiveCD using the boot option "dsl 2" without quotation marks. This will boot DSL in mode text only.

2 - Execute command:

sudo su
cfdisk /dev/hda

Create two partitions with this features:
- hda1 Linux Swap Type 82 Size (at least 128 Mb)
- hda2 Linux Type 83 Size (the rest of the disk space or at least 2 Gb is recommended)

If your hard disk is really big, try leaving some unpartitioned space for future use.
Your DSL installation will go to partition hda2. Your DSL swap partition will be hda1.

3. Next, you will need to reboot your system, again with the DSL LiveCD and "dsl 2" boot option.

4. Type following two commands to enable swap partition:

mkswap /dev/hda1
swapon /dev/hda1

5. Type following command to begin the hard disk installation:  


Thx Piccolo, this worked for me, I feel like a n00b lol..

I have to modify menu.lst for the correct resolution and adding a windows entry, I think I can manage that :P

original here.