Site News :: dsl 4.4.10

You should still be able to use the busybox wget, unless it has ben removed from the busybox compile.

Instead of "wget blah" use "busybox wget blah"

me again.
working with cron, i cant get it to run anything on a sunday.
My testing has boiled down to this:-

* * * * 0 * beaver
* * * * 7 * beaver

which in my mind should open beaver every minute on a sunday.

i also have tried 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 which work fine for the rest of the week (after changing system clock) and also a "*" for everyday, so is there a problem with the sunday - is DSL religious and taking a day of rest?

I am getting around this by configuring the av scans (my aim) on other days, but I thought I should post.

original here.