Site News :: DSL 4.2.5

DSL v4.2.5 is now posted.

Change Log:

* Updated Monkey Webserver to v0.9.2
* Updated murgaLua to v0.6.0
* Updated kbdconfig to fetch all map files not just kmap
* Corrected Windows offset in dsl-installboot
* Updated exit.lua with mikshaw's edits.
* Removed unsupported setxkbmap
* Dereferenced kbdconfig from .jwmrc, .fluxbox/menu, .dfmdesk/Apps/System/Keyboard, .dfminfo

Files likely in your backup that have changed:


When I boot the livecd, it constantly bugs me about saving a backup, and when I untick the box and then select reboot, the box is ticked again. This gets slightly annoying after a while if you're not going to save a backup.

So, I'm proposing:
Add a line to .desktop, something like
backupBox: ticked
which exit.lua would read and save the box state to.

When I boot the livecd, it constantly bugs me about saving a backup, and when I untick the box and then select reboot, the box is ticked again. This gets slightly annoying after a while if you're not going to save a backup.

Its a minor problem or wait to 4.2.6 ?

It's a minor problem, I can wait for 4.2.6 :)
Quote (kuky @ Jan. 31 2008,00:58)
When I boot the livecd, it constantly bugs me about saving a backup, and when I untick the box and then select reboot, the box is ticked again. This gets slightly annoying after a while if you're not going to save a backup.

Its a minor problem or wait to 4.2.6 ?

.....but the only way that anything is stored over a reboot is by doing a backup so you need to select & carry out the backup to store the information over a reboot that you do not want a backup to take place!

I think the default should be to carry out a backup as it is even more annoying to find out that you slipped up backing up than the minor annoyance of having to uncheck the backup box on exit. Perhaps changing the 'error' box that appear on shutdown to an OK/Cancel type to proceed or not with the shutdown without backup would be preferable as it wouldn't require the back-tracking & unchecking of the backup box.

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