Release Candidates :: DSL v4.4RC2

Wow, can you be even more of a sexist and a prick?

DSL could be the greatest linux distro ever, but if it looks like shit, noone will want to use it.

Does it look like shit? How many extra CPU cycles and how much more RAM are you willing to blow on someone trying to get more life out of an older computer just so it's "pretty"? If you know how to make it look better without increasing resource demands, let's hear it.

EDIT: Look at the previous RC thread and measure the complaints versus compliments. (edit2) Here, I'll remind everyone of the previous thread:
Point in original note from Robert: "New low resource background & theme."
User feedback:
meo: "It looks very clean and nice with the new background and style."
andrewb: "What a great look - the best yet - clean & simple. Much better than the black on black of 4.2.5 that I had loaded on my Libretto."
meo (again): "...I must say that the looks of jwm in this cut is so good that I might be persuaded to keep on using it."
ke4nt: "The gradient background in 4.4RC1 is nice. Much better looking/eyepleasing than the 4.3 version. Black on Black gets old after a while....."

Not so much feedback about reducing resources, but that's why it was done that way in the first place. Again, if anyone can reduce default resource demands better than this AND provide a clean and usable interface please speak up.

With all the discussion and tweaks to reduce resources (extra shell, etc) and yes, provide a tiny core. I will stay with low resource graidents.

If eye candy is paramount then use the tools provided.
I don't mind if users want to post their wallpapers/themes in the appropriate topic area(s). We even have a repository section to host such items.

I am not interested in competing in "beauty contests" with other distributions and the bloat that implies.

Quote (mikshaw @ June 03 2008,08:27)
(brace expansion, iirc) should not launch multiple wgets.
Quite right, my mistake.  Well, that's a bummer. I'm certain I did have it working with busybox at some point, though.

That's going to make for one long execute string if it needs to be split up into three separate wget commands. Open to any better suggestions, as always.

Code Sample
   os.execute(terminal..[[ -title "Downloading ]]..
  myfile.title..[[" -e sh -c "unset DISPLAY && cd ]]..dirname..
  [[ &&  wget ]]..mirror..myfile.location..[[/]]..myfile.title..[[.md5sum.txt]]..
  [[ &&  wget ]]..mirror..myfile.location..[[/]]..myfile.title..[[.info]]..
  [[ &&  wget ]]..mirror..myfile.location..[[/]]..myfile.title..
  [[ && md5sum -c ]]..myfile.title..
  [[.md5.txt && echo Press \"Enter\" to continue && read"]])

I will be taking some liberties with this, as I need it to work in tiny core.
I will then likely backport into 4.4 final. Hopefully I will not offend by doing so.

Not at all.  As I've said in the past, I appreciate any outside help that will streamline, fix bugs, add useful functionality, and otherwise make improvements to things I share here.

I've been thinking about ways to improve the search (user-defined sorting, regex, etc.), but that seems like it would be a non-vital thing to just simmer on the back burner.

Quote (roberts @ June 05 2008,04:21)
.. I will stay with low resource graidents.

Tiling could be an alternative and still be low'ish resource.
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