Release Candidates :: DSL v4.3 RC2

If the question is about what happens when one run the frugal script and chooses the upgrade option, then:

Three files are copied over KNOPPIX linux24 and minirt24.gz

The upgrade option does not distrub grub and your menu.lst or lilo and its installed options. The script does not ask or allow changing of boot options as that would possibly involved re-installing the boot manager and some might be running custom boot managers.

The script does not distrub your mydsl directory nor its contents.

The printer saving question is at shutdown, as it seemed to be not worthy of a separate program to do such. The Apsfilter setup is quite involved and at its conculsion one may not know if the printer is yet working. One must start the daemon and then actually test the printer. It would be ideal if a new GUI would be created to package up all of these tasks. I would love to spend the time to do such but currently so much pressure to issue a new kernel version. Too much to do, too little time available.

I've kinda found some bug in 4.3-RC2:
1st: i boot with fuse, yet the dsl user can't use it: sshfs gives me this (after keying in my password):
fusermount: mount failed : operation not permitted.
As root it works nicely.

I guess this has something to do with the DSL user not being in the fuse group (or some wrong permissions). While checking this i found another:
the groups command returns this message:
id : invallid option -- G
Maybe not compiled into this busybox?



I don't see -G option in the busybox id applet even in much newer versions. I have not checked the very latest.
It has already been suggested updating busybox. It is on my TODO list.

fusermount has group staff execute permission. I have also seen fusermount setuid. Perhaps for your particular use you could try this and lets us know.

Quote (roberts @ April 03 2008,12:23)
I don't see -G option in the busybox id applet even in much newer versions. I have not checked the very latest.

fyi: on a default build of v1.9.2 (latest stable), that option is not there either.  There is "-g" though. Running `id -g` seems to produce a correct result.

Thanks for that head up.

Little g show primary group id. Captial G shows all groups for specified user. The groups script converts the group numbers to group names.

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