Release Candidates :: DSL v4.0 alpha1

We can't see from the kernel build directory which patches have been added...
Could you just mention them?

Possibly because your partiton containing the mydsl/ folder is owned by root?

Okay, I'll double check. I think the floppy issue I had is from using the old 2.4.26 boot floppy. I'm going to go ahead and install.

Edit: Now working from traditional install. Both issues I experienced earlier are resolved. I was able to mount the floppy, copy a DSL file to /tmp, double-click it to load. Cool.

Could you just mention them?

Could we just be patient. :)

Here are the menu entries I added for dfm in .jwmrc:
<Program icon="filemgr.xpm" label="re/start dfm">sudo killall dfm && dfm</Program>
<Program icon="filemgr.xpm" label="re/start dfm - su">killall dfm && sudo dfm</Program>

Edit: Initial impressions posted on my blog:

MIME types:
The default *.gz in .dfmext doesn't distinguish between standard tarballs and MyDSL tar.gz.

Is netscape/firefox for html intentional or should that be edited to dillo?

Need to add:
*.bfe;path_to_icon;aterm -T bcrypt -e bcrypt !@!
*.m3u;path_to_icon;xmms !@!

I'll edit/add to this if I find more. I can also hold off and just send you my revised .dfmext after I've had more time to play with it.

Yes! I could use more mime types. Contributions welcomed. You can email me your .dfmext for my review.

One of the challenges, is that DSL has more than one editor, browser, etc. etc. So, should html be limited set to Dillo or Netscape, a link to Firefox?

As far as the .tar.gz goes, is it time to drop it as unique MyDSL extension association and use only the standard definition of a compressed tarball? I would like to depreciate it as a MyDSL extension.

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