Release Candidates :: DSL v3.3 RC2

Quote (curaga @ Mar. 07 2007,09:02)
Will the finnish keymap make it for rc3?

I am still waiting for one to be submitted that is known to work with DSL. I would have no way to know or even test. Those who would know need to help others that have this need.
Quote (roberts @ Mar. 06 2007,23:22)
From the boot prompt:

boot: install

You will get a text installation menu with many options to make floppies, do all the installation types, and even start cfdisk.

It is useful to not have to start X and other processes, as you use less resources.

 1. Make Standard Boot Floppy
 2. Make USB Boot Floppy

 3. Install to Hard Drive
 4. Frugal Grub Hard Drive Install
 5. Frugal Lilo Compact Flash Install
 6. USB Pendrive ZIP boot Install
 7. USB Pendrive HDD boot Install                                                        

 8. Split KNOPPIX into floppy sized chunks
 9. Interacive KNOPPIX split onto floppies        
10. DSL FreeDOS Utilities

11. PCMCIA Module Floppy
12. Partition Tool cfdisk

Thanks Robert.

I wonder if you will consider to add some options in the frugal install (grub and/or lilo) in the next release so that users can set up the menu.lst (in case of grub, that is) with customized cheat codes right at the time of installing.

Quote (roberts @ Mar. 07 2007,16:16)
You can, as many have, add commands to /opt/ to achieve similar results.

'Just need the dsl version of alsa.unc...

I think somebody posted an explanation of how to create a dsl extension from a unc but I couldn't get it to work for me.

I think somebody posted an explanation of how to create a dsl extension from a unc but I couldn't get it to work for me.

Code Sample

cd ~dsl/
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
cp -rp /opt/package/* .
du -a | awk '{print $2}' | sed "s/\.\///g" > package.lst
[edit package.lst and remove any directories that aren't empty]
tar -zcvf package.dsl -T package.lst
mv package.dsl ..
cd ..
rm -rf tmp

Note that the package needs to be installed/mounted for this to work. You could also get away without doing the copy to the tmp dir, but I find it easier that way.

But I sent the email four days ago, with a topic "The finnish keymap for DSL"
I'll send it again today, in case it didn't get through...

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