Release Candidates :: DSL v3.1 RC2

The second release candidate of DSL v3.1 is now posted.

Cummlative Change log for DSL-3.1RC2

*  Converted 54 Lua and Lua/Fltk programs to Lua 5.1.1 Fltk 1.1 via MurgaLua interface
*  Added right-click to MyDSL Icon for easy UCItool access
*  Improved Antiword fonts
*  Changed color escape codes to echo commands
*  Added TMPDIR environment variable
*  Dropped Original Lua/Fltk - flua
*  Edited .fluxbox menu. Configuration s/b Fluxbox Configuration
*  Added License section to "Getting Started" document
*  Cleanup code regarding DESKTOP & ICONS
*  Update stats.lua to read version from text file.
*  Added firefox adjustments for unionfs
*  Made unionfs the default boot. Use "legacy" option to skip.
*  Cleanup more /var/tmp to /tmp
*  Updated sqlite to 3.3.6
*  Made mydsl boot option consistent with restore boot option.
*  Enhanced exitcheck to warn if no backup device when requested to save special settings.
*  Added murgaLua Lua/Fltk development toolkit
*  Enhanced .torsmorc for ACPI battery indicator

As usual, you will find all four images of dsl-3.1RC2 here


Files that may be in your backup that have been updated.


Remember, the best way to test an RC is to first try booting with the base and norestore options.

Also note, we are back to our normal size.  :)

We also improved the mute and volume control interaction in the docked app and dMix.
What is the change to .torsmorc with regard to the ACPI battery status?
torsmo generally worked well with APM but not ACPI.  The battery info is located at a different area for ACPI.


For typical systems APM or ACPI both should display battery state.

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