Release Candidates :: DSL v2.3 RC2

I can see the logic in that (it sounded like a great idea to me for a second), but you have to consider the way that mydsl extensions work with the base system, particularly *.dsl extensions.   These packages are loaded as additions to the initial system, and often require mkwriteable to be run...both of these factors cause heavier ram usage than running the application from within the KNOPPIX file system.

The only way I can think of that would make this actually be a benefit is if all of the included applications were UCI packages, hence no additional ram usage.

Concerning the pendrive set up. When the optional boot command input step is presented, should I type "dsl toram" or just "toram" ?  

I'm still suffering over the filesystem stuff. i. e. save to cd to get to pendrive and then getting disk full messages.
should I be saving to /mnt/auto/cdrom? the /auto/ pops up mysteriously when I click on /cdrom in Emelfm

dsl-2.3RC2.iso torrent

PS I see that in the RC2 the arrows in the fluxbox menu are still missing.

Will there happen to be USB wireless support? Or is it already there, but I can't get it working? (I made a post about it in netowrking).

(DWL-g120, installed with ndiswrapper, not detected as wlan0, but detected with lsusb, ndiswrapper -l states it's not there)

odbod, Yes usb wireless is supported at the same level that Knoppix v3.4 did. I am using a usb wireless, a netgear ma111.
I believe someone already suggested where to find ndiswrapper support. The ndiswrapper community has much support, including a wiki, irc, and others. It is not difficult to search for support on their site for your particular card.

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