Multimedia :: to rip

Ok..deleted ramble..could not get cdparinoia to rip..turns out it did not like the 8x cdrom..I swapped for another cdrom drive and it works great .also installed lame and it will use that. another post someone suggested grip as a ripper and I think mikshaw pointed out that it used cdparinoia but offered a fancy gui..true. the convienience is lost however in that it does not like to save to an alternate directory and does not name the tracks..offline anyway. I like cdparinoia as I can name tracks and put them in the directory I choose.
adding...grip does offer some initial convienience in that you can click tracks to rip and click rip will kick out the cd after the rip and then can find them and rename them later..may come in handy at times.
Does the


extension work?

Not sure if gcombust works yet..think that is a burner tool and this particular box does not have a burner..the cdrom was not so good either..worked fine until I tried to rip a cd..8x Hmmm..all 8x or just this one.
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