Gtk2 :: Update_to_GTK2 do nothing

I have DSL 2.4 and i need to install GTK2.

Te problem is that when i click on Update_to_GTK2 dsl starts openning processes and then close them but do nothing.

I've the dsl installed in a 256Mb DOM. I think i could not have space enough to update to GTK2. I'd like someone to say me if i am wrong or right or if someone could tell me an answer

Thanks  :;):

just load gtk2, update and load an app funtioning with gtk2 (as Thunderbird f.ex.). If Thunderbird loads, then gtk2 has been loaded and updated right.

Hi and thanks for replying.

how do i load GTK2?

download the package from the right repository (probably 'system') with mydslbrowser; once downloaded, open emelfm, go to your gtk2-....dsl package (in the repository where you downloaded it), hit 'mydsl' in the front of emelfm (on the top), and you have then the gtk2 libs; after having loaded the libs, menu-->mydsl-->update and it will update the libraries. Then, download and load thunderbird following the same steps first indicated here. If thunderbird loads, it works.

PS just if you would like to get more of the fun of dsl: once a .dsl package loaded, you can't un-loaded it in a single session; .dsl packages are not .uci apps, which you can mount and unmount in a session at your conveniance; the very point in the development of dsl 3.0 RC1 is to realize an .unc extension enabling to convert .dsl packages in .unc packages in order to load and un-load them within a session. So, you see the concept: you have a kernel and modular apps that you can use at your conveniance, depending of what you want to/have to do. It's just a new way of computing.


You might not have enough RAM or more accurately (RAM + disk swap space) to run the GTK2 extension.

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