Apps :: Manpages Issue

Please note that the man uci package is limited when compared to that in most "full" distributions. Some issues you may encounter...
1) The manpages themselves are quite old, and do not accurately reflect the applications available in DSL.
2) I don't recall including a writable directory in the manpath, so if you add man pages to your system you might need to tweak a little to get man to work with them.
3) Tab completion does not work, and may freeze your terminal.
4) Being in /opt, the uci does not override the original man script.

You also need to install the manpages uci for the offline ones.
Did it, but i get the same result, probably the reason is =>
Being in /opt, the uci does not override the original man script.

I also did that =>
You can compile it yourself from .
in a similar way, look at my first entry.
The issues mikshaw told me, scared me away, i let it be. Let's hope for the future.

I hacked Mik's man.uci a long time ago so that it searches for man pages in the usual locations as well as in /opt.

That's why I leave man pages in my ucis eg mplayer. I was offline a lot for quite a while so it was useful.

Here's the altered in man.uci if anyone's interested:

Code Sample

# find any uci man dirs and add to MANPATH

if [ ! -e /KNOPPIX/bin/ash ]; then
# hd install
find /opt -type d -name man 2>/dev/null
find /ramdisk/opt -type d -name man 2>/dev/null
} | grep -v '/opt/man' | tr '\n' : )

# Need man dirs now on system also - could be in unc extensions


echo "What manual page do you want?"
read manpage
exec /opt/man/bin/man "$manpage"

@WDef: Sounds interesting, i will give it try later and add some feedback after that.
Ok, tried it, but i have some problems. First one, how  can i hack a .uci-file?
The files in it are readonly. Second, i have no /KNOPPIX/ directory. How can i handle that?

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