The Testing Area :: traduz_ita_4.4.10.dsl

Revision 4 now posted!

sorry again, but in rev4 there is an error in the mirror selection window, I sent to robert the correction

legalize cannabis, coke, ero.

Potete trovare la nuova traduzione qui
U can find the new translation here
As usual, I sent the new revision to extensions at, but this is what Robert replyed:

Hi jls,

Sorry, But John Andrews has stripped me of any access to further support

It is a sad day.

Oh well, don't look back. Only look forward.

See my new project at

-- Robert

Hi! How to submit extension then?
revisione 6 pubblicata, guarda 2 messaggi prima x il sito dove scaricarla.
revision 6 posted, see 2 posts before for download link.

legalize cannabis, coke, ero.

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original here.