The Testing Area :: xfe-1.19.uci

Doesn't the uci get unloaded before the backup is made, removing the .xfe directory before the backup gets a chance to save it?
Juggle around a bit, create a tarball of your settings while running, save on the stick and reboot with "dsl norestore". When the backup isn't restored, you can extract it to some directory, add your .xfe settings and pack it back. On next boot they will get there.
The working solution seems even simpler: Always (whenever needed) make new backups (or rather, update the backup) with the filetool.lua tool while running and never use the exit tools backup option... (And keep a backup of the backup somewhere else for added security...)

EDIT: Which makes me wonder if I could change the exit script so that the "backup" checkbox are unchecked by default...

Which makes me wonder if I could change the exit script so that the "backup" checkbox are unchecked by default...
It checks for an environment variable, I don't remember exactly which right now (do a forum search), something like NO_BACKUP=1 would cause the box to be unchecked by default.

RRRR< I found that if if you include the '/' at the begining of the path, it doesn't get backed up.

JASON W< I think a wrapper would be a safer way rather than overwriting the home area.

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