The Testing Area :: libc6-2.3.2-22sarge6.dsl

Do we know if libstdc++6 will happily coexist with libstdc++5, or will there be issues?
As apps usually link to so.number it should be just fine having both.

However the .so symlink would need to be changed at compile time to point to the desired one..

In other distros it is common to have libstdc++5 and libstdc++6 living happily together.  Libstdc++5 is usually available for backward compatibility.   One thing I was concerned about here was libgcc being overwritten, but it does not seem to affect anything.  The libgcc that gets installed with this extension goes along with the libc6, and libstdc++6 that comes with it.  But libstdc++5 was already there  in the system and not built along with those other two libraries, and I would think that it would be the one that would have problems if there were going to be any.  So far it seems to work well, but I would like to hear if there are any issues.
Sounds like so far so good.

I've lost track of the number of C++ progs that would not run/build on dsl because of the lack of libstdc++6.

I'm hoping that simple expedient like loading this extension (or even better putting it in the base if it turns our not to break things) has the potential to open up a lot of newer progs for dsl that have hitherto been out of reach, at least while we are waiting for tiny core.

original here.