The Testing Area :: More May Extensions

Now posted in the testing section of the repository:

gcc1.dsl                        - A more complete development environment
aespipe.dsl                    - An update with more includes
wine-0.9.12.uci               - Run Windows programs
seamonkey-1.0.1-gtk1.uci - A gtk1 port of Seamonkey !

Read their .info files for more information.

Thanks to each for their contributions.

The new gcc1.dsl is night and day better than the old one.  If you suffered through the old one, needing to download this and that minor library, you have my sincerest apologies.  When I made the original, I didn't know any better how to strip out the unwanted parts and just leave what was needed.

Using the new version I have been able to compile programs that use libncurses, libreadline, and other common libraries all without downloading anything else (sometimes I needed gnu-utils.dsl, but that's not because of libraries).  You can also now compile programs that use zlibg1, uuid, com_err, libpng, libjpeg, and libbz2.  I even included the includes for X, GTK1.2, and Xaw so now you can compile gnuplot, xmahjongg, gnushogi, gnuchess, and xchess.  Even the latest icewm (Ice Window Manager) compiled without anything beyond gnu-utils.dsl.  I've found that I can compile m4, bison, flex, gettext, and cvs from GNU no problem.

You never have everything you need.  But this is at least a decent start.  Again sorry it wasn't better the first time, but if you knew I was wrong, why didn't you fix it?

That's awesome!  Now the next step is to make it a uci.... =o)
Ah! Thanks Clacker, that might solve some problems I've been having.  I'll try it.
It does indeed solve a lot of issues for me.
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