DSL Tips and Tricks :: dfm trash can

Can hardly make out the code...it's a blur. Could you post it? Thanks.
Going off top of my head (no flash on this computer)... rewrite 3x (default is 25x), zero-out, remove, verbose output in terminal. You can add "f" to the first group of flags to force despite permissions, change 3 to suit your tastes/CPU speed/paranoia level.

Code Sample

exec aterm -T shredder -e shred -uvz -n 3 "$@"

That's quite interesting, lucky.....it cleared the text from files dragged onto it while leaving the icon;  deleting one eliminated the entire group.  I did a google search about aterm shredder and learned about aterm insurance's free paper shredder.

Edit:  I forgot to use the <esc> key to renew the folder....they're gone (that makes more sense!)  Thanks.   (works likes windows trash....drag a group of icons with <shift> and they're gone.  Nice!  
Perhaps someone can do a Wiki posting that our trash is now windows complient. )

Try right-click Update in your dfm box and your icons will disappear.

Edit: Didn't see your edit when I posted.

original here.