DSL Tips and Tricks :: automatic dsl firewall

It would be great to be able to "return the favour" to a hacker but imagine if you got the wrong person. You would end up causing more problems.

Plus if its a bot they might not even know their machine is compromised.

damn, I was sure to be secure running dsl toram...

I have a question: is it possible to forward ports in order to use some services from behind a router with rc. firewall without re-doing the wheel?

I run DSL toram and I didn't experience any attacks until now; I know to be in a network full of viruses, so your suggestions would help me a lot.


hi Meo,hi at all.
to modify the file /usr/bin/start_firewall is needed you have root privileges,enter in the root account and modify it.
the livecd users dont needed a firewall.
this tips is only for the people with dsl installed on hard disk.
for any questions,i read the forum everyday.
good days and have a lot of fun forever at all.

Not to be a fly in the ointment, but just because the root fs is ro, doesn't mean my data is safe from attackers/virus.  Data is rw and more valuable (ie irreplaceable) then the system anyway.  just because the system is safe doesn't mean you are.
I still believe you need a firewall even if running from a CD. I leave my box unattended for long periods so I want it to be as secure as possible.

I don't think its paranoia - if it is there and easy to use - why not?

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