DSL Tips and Tricks :: squashfs

All it takes for me to say "no thanks" is for any distribution to use root as default user.  That's a seriously bad decision, as far as i'm concerned.
Thank you for your opinions.

Just for the record, I am not advocating Puppy Linux, which I have never tried nor I am going to try in the short term, nor I am advocating running a system as root, not even advocating Sqaushfs vs Unionfs or cloops.

The other way round: I am advocating the DSL way on other distros.

That said, the trend, wright or wrong, is towards using squashfs for live distros, so investigating is not a sin.

I've tried Puppy 1.08 (I think that's the latest regular Puppy) I found it to be slow, difficult to configure for my hardware. too large a backup file, no wireless support with the download (have to download ndiswrapper, or whatever driver later). Puppy2 looks promising, but DSL already does, very well, what Puppy 2 will be trying to do.

original here.