DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Instant on dsl linux

Well, it will most certainly take over 10, so not "instant", but still fast, way faster than winblows.
The tiny core will boot slower, due to the technology change (equivalent to always-toram boot).

Alot depends on boot media and size of core image. Tiny core is being made as small as possible, currently 9MB. So boots quite nicely. Loading ram based extensions will, of course, increase time to desktop. But also will be available self contained mounted extensions which will not only help low ram machines, but also have faster to desktop time. But the tradeoff is time to desktop versus application launch speed, i.e, after desktop (ram based vs disk based). My goal is to have tiny core still support older machines with low ram and to have a gtk1 (DSL like) option, if desided or needed, as well as "have it your way" with gtk2 extensions from the community.

How big is tinycore uncompressed?


Will tinycore support a suspend or hibernation mode of operation?
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