DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: keymap selection improvement suggestion

The sbin directories are in dsl's path already, so I don't think that would make much difference
I see the situation has improved much in 4.2.5, but I'm still missing an obvious way to just restart X. Maybe this could be added to the "DLS -> Exit" submenu?
I had the same observation. My solution to switching layout (Dvorak here too :D) was to create two xmodmap scripts and link them to the desktop by hand. :) Not the best aesthetically, but does the job in an instant, and without the need for a restart. Would it be possible to convert keymaps to xmodmaps on the fly...?


I'm still missing an obvious way to just restart X
Exit the window manager, or press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, to shut down X. Type startx to restart X.

There are many ways you can choose from multiple options; usually an easy way is to write a couple of lines of script.  For choosing one of two xmodmap files to use, you could include a prompt in .xinitrc:
Code Sample
echo "would you like Dvorak today? (Y|n)" && read answer
case "$answer" in
N|n) xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap-qwerty;;
*) xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap-dvorak;;
Anything other than a response of "N" or "n" will use dvorak.

There are probably better ways, but this is the first thing that came to mind

original here.