DSL Embedded :: Configuring for Persistence

I am still having this problem, as I am unsure how to refer to the FILES partition of my USB stick in order to use it as my home directory.

When I attempt to mount what I believe to be the USB stick, I always receive a relocation error, regarding blk_id_known_fstype - does this mean that DSL is having trouble with the filing system for my partition?

It probably has a wrong partition descriptor, or a corrupt fs..
I've formatted it as FAT32, and my Mac is having no trouble mounting and seeing the files on that partition.
Have made a CF-card embedded version of dsl with syslinux on a windoze box, as this new dual-core wouldn't boot dsl (3.3).
The CF with (hda1,2 and 3) replaces HD in old notebook.
And it boot fine (and fast)
Problem is that it needs commandline input for the noscsi option.
If i look in the /KNOPPIX/boot/grub/menu.lst file, the default option has noscsi. Am i looking at the wrong file, where's the syslinux options? (have i answered my own question here? not sure, need to take another look tonight for syslinux options)

giraquid: Probably easier to use the virtual harddisk... with ext2.

gonzoradio: if you are using syslinux why are you trying to look for grub?  Edit syslinux.cfg

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