myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: XFCE 4.2.2 package

see first post for details
FYI... not included: xffm (file manager), session support, printing (because it added too many dependencies to keep things small)

Also you get a single nice default theme and wallpaper...

The mixer wasn't working on my setup... I'll be looking more into that later...

Ok, if you're using persistent/non-persistent storage (a CD in combo with a pen drive, etc) don't customize the heck out of anything... reinstalling the DSL will overwrite your configuration...

I'm going to boot DSL this evening and give this package some final polish and testing... when I declard it stable I'll pass it on for the main repository of packages.

Ok, I still need to look into mixer/sound and the automatic running of start_gtk2, but most other things have been polished.

.xinitrc is now the only file copied to /home/dsl... other setting files are created at run-time and will not be overwritten by future updates or reinstallation of the .DSL

Also, there is an easter egg... in the form of a really cool extra program that's not technically a part of XFCE, but was light, so I added it...

When do you plan on releasing this?  I would like to test it out on a fresh HDD install and see how it works!
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