myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: MyDSL - configuring a proxy server ?

Are the username and pass associated with DSL or with the proxy?   When I connect to through the proxy i just use the proxy server:port
Then skip the username pass part of the proxy definition.
Do I use the @ sign and http:// bit?  Should I need to restart for it to take affect?
Well I've been experimenting with adding different http_proxy:http://proxy:port and such but haven't been able to make anything show up in the myDSL download extension panel.  Is there any other way to get the files?  I'm completely new to this and would appreciate if you explain what each step actually does.  


.wgetrc file explained

And here is another place where you can get your mydsl files.  The link is also on the front page of the web site:

and the testing area:

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