Apps :: emelFM

Did you try the cp command?
Ok, I now have a better idea how emelfm works. I would like to create a new copy button which is easy enough to do. I see how I can assign a bash command to a button. So I would like to create a command like "cp -rfp %selected_file_active_panel %selected_inactive_panel". What do I use for the panel file selectors?
Did you see my suggestion in the first post in this thread?
You mean it's as simple as:

"cp -rfp %f %D" ?

I'll give it a try.

edit:  That works great! Thanks for the help. It just took awhile for your answer to sink in.

Do you know if new buttons will be persistent? I have the /opt folder persistent and of course home/dsl is backed up. Is there a file I have to add to the filestool.lst?

original here.