Printers :: Canon IP1500

Hey, I just installed DSL, and I cant get my Canon IP1500 printer to set up.

To admit the truth though, I didn't have much idea what I was doing with the included printer setuper.

Supposedly, you can get cups.dsl from the mydsl repository, then "Enable Apt", then download the DEB driver from:

and then install it by typing this in a terminal window:

sudo su
dpkg -i name_of_file.deb


(enter a new password for user "root")

then open a web browser and visit this page:


to do your printer setup.

I type in Enable Apt and it says enable: apt: not a shell builtin

Also, when I go to install the .DEB, I type in what you said:

sudo su
dpkg -i bjfilter-pixmaip1500_2.50-3_i386.deb

And then I get

dpkg: /var/lib/dpkg/status: No such file or directory

Choose "Enable APT" from the DSL Right-Click Menu.

original here.