Other Help Topics :: ReMastering HOWTO for DSL

I did a remaster using the apt-get method. I have install a small program 50k

now my remaster is much bigger the the original ie 61meg vs 56meg. I guess this has something to do with the dpkg restore fonction and the database. I can I get read of it to go back to the original size plus my program obtaines through apt-get.

I try removing var/lib/dpkg but still there is other file somewhere. Can I just use the apt-get remove dpkg?? It seems to be willing to remove fluxbox and a lot of stuff probabley essential to dsl

Charpie, you might consider doing it "manually" (i.e. without apt-get and dpkg restored) if it's only a
few things you want to add. You're perfectly placed now to go to http://packages.debian.org/stable
and check the file listing of the item you have installed (i.e. everything it put into /usr/bin, /usr/lib etc)
and all its dependencies, which can be tricky to find, but apt-get will have told you what else it

Now with your latest remastering running on the machine and a freshly opened 0.6.3 KNOPPIX file on your
working area you can copy from your remaster everything that is on the list, forgetting the documentation
unless you want it. As long as you get everything your new item will work and you'll only have added
something like 20k (50k compressed) to your DSL.

If you miss something it'll tell you what libraries it can't find and then you'll need to add these and try
again (handy to check the KNOPPIX file if you can before making your final iso). Obviously this is a
bit of a brute-force way of doing things but it'll keep your remastering small and it'll certainly fit back
onto a business card CD.

The above is exactly the way I started doing light remastering......if you watch your apt-get carefully
you'll soon get the hang of it.

I have a new laptop without the floppy drive !!!
I wonder if someone can explain me how to test a
dsl remaster... (maybe using syslinux from windows...?)

Well, enrico, I can tell you how I usually do. I just burn my remaster to a CD-RW to try it out. If I'm not happy with it I just erease it and try again. It just takes a couple of minutes to burn it so I don't see the need of trying a kind of shortcut in this matter. When I'm happy with my remaster I burn it to a 50 MB CD-R. Hope it works OK!

Have fun,

Tried the remaster procedure and ran into a few problems.

Forgive the stupid question, but when installing new packages for a remaster, where are they being installed to? Do I understand correctly that they're being installed into the ramdisk and are later in the process copied (with everything else) to the hard drive for imaging? If this is correct, I've a few questions:

- As there's no "enhanced" install when booting DSL from CD, is there no way to create a master with the full command set as opposed to BusyBox?

- On a 256MB system there's not enough room in the ramdisk to install OpenOffice - can this be installed to the hard drive and still be included in the image?

- Is there a way to do a complete (enhanced) DSL install to a hard drive, then boot from CD and image the hard drive install to another partition?

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