X and Fluxbox :: adding items to desktop menu

I looked around on the forum and couldn't find an explanation of how to add items to the desktop menu. I would like to add  start, stop and restart apache menu items.
did you check ~/.fluxbox/menu ?
Thank you.
I didn't find fluxconf anywhere on the dsl image. Is there an equivalent program on the system for configuring fluxbox?

Not on the system. There might be something in myDSL, but I don't remember seeing it.

It's actually quite easy to configure most parts of Fluxbox in a text editor. With the menu, there is mainly just one formula to remember:
[exec] (label) {command}

Jarp there is WhiteBox. And fluxbox is hidden so you have to use Ctrl+H in emelfm or in the Aterm: beaver /home/dsl/.fluxbox/menu
and beaver /home/dsl/.fluxbox/mydsl.menu

2 ways to chande it ;)

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