X and Fluxbox :: usable 800x600 ?

muddywaters, did you ever find a solution to this problem?  I'm new to Linux and have been learning/installing DSL for the past several hours.  I finally got an install where everything looks good for the most part, I'm now just getting the same error you alluded to earlier when GRUB loads DSL.

Now I haven't messed around with menu.lst at all, but no matter what I choose on the GRUB DSL menu, my boot craps out.

When I load from the CD, I use the fb1024x768 option and things look smashing but something's just not happening now that it's on the HD.

I'm loaded up on an old Dell Inspiron 3200 PII 266Mhz.
/dev/hda1 = 128 MB Swap
/dev/hda2 = 3.7 GB Linux (bootable, where DSL is)

Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

The default grub menu.lst is for frugal installations.
You need to adjust it for a traditional hard drive installation.
See the Wiki on using and installing grub


Roberts, thanks for the response.  I try to follow the Wiki.  Loading GRUB from an iso image wasn't difficult, yet when I attempt to start DSL from the prompt, I get the same issue as I did when booting off the HD:

I typed/ran:


       root (hd0,1)
       kernel /boot/linux24 root=/dev/hda1

Finds ethernet card OK.
Configures mouse, floppy cdrom...

"cloop: Initializing cloop v2.01
INIT: Entering runlevel : 5
Using X resolution from previously selected or default settings.
If you want to change the resolution, run xsetup.sh

XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

At the end of the kernel line you are missing the extra parameters, e.g., vga=791 noacpi noscsi

or whatever your system might require.

Quote (roberts @ Jan. 13 2007,11:04)
At the end of the kernel line you are missing the extra parameters, e.g., vga=791 noacpi noscsi

or whatever your system might require.

Ahhh, so what would I need to put there in order to boot it up the same way it boots from the CD, just with fb1024x768 activated?  That's all I've been doing for it to work from the LiveCD.

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