X and Fluxbox :: Turn off CPU usage & other status?

That's kinda interesting to have scripts to control torsmo.  Since you're interested I thought I'd add that you could do both in a single script rather than having separate files.....
Code Sample

case $1 in
on|start) exec torsmo;;
off|stop) killall torsmo;;
restart) killall torsmo && exec torsmo;;

I know it could be done more cleanly than that, but it's one option.

uhmm, i tried your script, cause that would be really cool to just use one icon, but it's not working. ???
oh...i guess it wouldn't work from an icon unless you added a right-click menu to it.  This script requires a parameter of on/start, off/stop, or restart.

for example, you could have your main icon command be "/path/to/script start", which would start torsmo, and have a right-click menu to stop or restart torsmo.

Then again, you don't even need the script if you want to control trosmo this way.  You could have your icon look something like this:
Command: torsmo
MenuCommand1: Stop Torsmo:killall torsmo
MenuCommand2: Restart Torsmo:killall torsmo ; torsmo

Darn, im using rox pinboard for my desktop. I haven't i figured out how to add a right click menu to that yet. :p
But yeah for xtdesk that would be a sinch.

Edit: I guess i could always use both(rox pin and xtdesk).  :D
both pic->

Actually i've become very minimal lately, right now i only have the firefox launcher on the desktop and everything else is in the wmdrawer hidden on the right center.  ???
My current->

Is there a windows version of  torsmo?
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